Both flesh and Spirit are one in the divine Logos, one person with two natures.
Notwithstanding, the last one-hundred years has been a bloodier scourge of Christian martyrdom than the “age of martyrdom” itself. Our freedoms outweigh the sorrow of our cultural wars. While the global Christian Church is being bathed in blood, the American West suffers anxiety over gender identity-sipping on lattes dreaming about their next vacation. So be thankful, and consider how we may support he global persecuted church.
A Brief Look at the history and relevance of the Apostles' Creed
“Cyril is motivated by a profoundly mystical understanding of the indwelling power of God, one that makes the incarnation of the Logos not merely a theological nicety of dogmatic history, but the primary way in which a Christian person experiences the presence of the Lord and the effects of his deifying grace. This practicality and religious spirit is visible even in those passages where our author makes demands on the philosophical acumen of his readers.”
“Simply put, disability ministry is nothing less than appropriately contextualizing the gospel by making the effort to create accessible environments for all abilities to receive the Gospel and participate in the life of the church. The church which invests in the tools required to aid persons of all abilities will inevitably produce a harvest.”
“We think physical or intellectual disabilities equal limitations. Not a chance in God’s program! Instead they actually lead to greater glory, because the vessel appears inadequate. Thus God receives more glory.”
“Here one finds good news! Because the members of the Trinity are of one undivided nature, God does not change. Whereas the existence and attributes of humanity are progressive, malleable and are subject to change, for better or worse, the existence and attributes of God are whole and complete-as mentioned above-this is because God is His attributes. The attributes are not merely an observation of who God is gradually becoming, rather, they are complete to the uttermost.”
“The kingdom of God advances not by the human powers of strength and wisdom, rather, Jesus’ kingdom expands by a God dependent weakness. Jamin elaborates, writing, ‘…we are called to humbly acknowledge the totality of our weakness and rely wholly upon God for strength (2 Cor. 1:9).’”
“Piper reminds us that being in Christ is the goal, and nothing the church accomplishes in and of itself holds any true eternal value outside of being in Christ. Therefore, if I truly treasure Christ above full pews on Sunday morning, I must live daily in Christ, willing to put even good and practical uses in the church through a cross-shaped sifter which perpetually reorients a God-centered and Christ exalting worship.”
God is far more providentially involved in the affairs of humanity than we want to acknowledge, and we are far more responsible for our actions than we want to admit. Humankind requires far more grace and dependence on God for obedience than our need for autonomy wants to attribute, and our sinful behavior is far more related to our pursuit of autonomous hyper-independence than we wish to acknowledge.