Sonship: The Nature of Grace and Obedience


            The doctrine of adoption, or son-ship, is all the rage amongst much of the modern evangelical mission’s movement; especially in Charismatic streams. At a fundamental level, son-ship should be all the rage. Yet, among many missional circles, son-ship, has become an extremely individualistically-inward thing; to which has opened the door for many to turn from hard truths, and hard biblical calls to obedience in Christ. How can this be? One of the greatest truths of the bible, being used to justify legalism, and false-doctrines? For one to properly investigate this issue, let us biblically define the doctrine of son-ship, illustrate the misuse of the term, and learn to apply it appropriately.

            J.I Packer has been somewhat of a distant mentor to me through his written works. I have researched diligently over the last five-years the Doctrine of Son-ship/Father-Heart of God. I have found no more satisfying a definition of “son-ship than his; “Justification is a forensic idea, conceived in terms of law, and viewing God as judge...Adoption is a family idea, conceived in terms of love, and viewing God as father. In adoption, God takes us into His family and fellowship, and establishes us as His children and heirs. Closeness, affection and generosity are at the heart of the relationship. To be right with God the judge is a great thing, but to be loved and cared for by God the father is greater” (Packer. 186, 188). In my own words, the doctrine of Son-ship is an eternal adoption certificate from the eternal God of glory and love. We are Justified by what Jesus did on our behalf, this gives us the right to become the children of God. As a child of God, the adopted child now lives a life in love to the Father, and delights to do His will. The doctrine of Son-ship is not a get out of biblical obedience free card. Though some practice biblical obedience from a legalistic heart, the illumination of our adoption into the family of God comes with grace and delight that abiding in Him includes discipline to do the hard things Christ ask of us.

            The Doctrine of Son-ship is an invaluable truth; its illumination upon the Christian heart is of great necessity in this Christian life. However, in my experience, many of those who have a radical illumination of son-ship often fall into the trap of not taking biblical commands such as holiness, and the great commission seriously; they use words like legalism to justify their confusion. Harping on grace and freedom in Christ, many fall victim in calling Christ biblical commands, legalistic. This misapplication in applying appropriately the Doctrine of Son-ship is near and dear to my heart. I have spent a great deal over the last half-decade developing language, and practicing myself, what I believe to be a proper balance between God’s mercy and grace towards us, the seriousness of biblical holiness, and obedience to God’s commands.

            In learning to appropriately apply the Doctrine of Son-ship in one’s life, one must discover the nature of their salvation, what it means, and how the Bible indicates a child in the family of God is to live in light of its truth. First and foremost, the nature of our adoption into the family of God can best be seen in how the natural relationship between a good father, and his child. Unconditional love and acceptance are the foundational markers of a true father. This does not come without boundaries and disciplines. As the child grows, he/she develops the ability to understand the cultural atmosphere within the family. This cultural atmosphere shapes and guides the child. As the child grows, they trust unapologetically their family’s culture, due to the nurturing love and acceptance they have been immersed in. When one rightly appropriates the tensions between God’s grace and obedience to His commands, he learns there should be no tension at all. God’s culture of love and grace are to fuel confidence in His children for unapologetic biblical obedience. Not offer an escape route.

            Our adoption to God’s family, salvation and inheritance, is to me the sweetest truth of God’s merciful transaction with undeserving mankind. I rejected the notion of God’s existence in my youth. I pursued drugs, girls, and selfish ambitions. When I hated God the most, God revealed to me my Atheism was merely a mask for my disdain toward Him, as I blamed God for the many crisis’ of my youth. I despised God, yet God revealed His Son to me. God adopted me into the fold of His family, at a time when I was not looking to be adopted. Appropriating Son-ship into the family of God is only rightly realized when the mercy and love of God compel us to delightfully do His will, thus proving we are truly an active member in the family of God. Defining son-ship is only rightly defined in the proper marriage between grace and obedience to God, and of His word. 





Works Cited

Packer, J. I. Knowing God. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1973. Print.