“We can find no trace of pretribulationism in the early church; and no modern pretribulationist has successfully proved that this particular doctrine was held by any of the church fathers or students of the Word before the nineteenth century”
A Testimony on God, the Church, and Disability
An Introductory Thought On Disability and Image Dei
The Heart of the Christian Life and Ethic
To surrender to the Christian life and ethic as worship-based obedience comes with an all too unassuming war; namely, there is a “thief” whose job in this life is to “steal and kill and destroy” the affection of worship, and subsequently, squeeze the life out of one’s motivation for imperative holiness and obedience.
Power and Weakness: A Theology of Disability
Momentary Light-Affliction: The Glory of Affliction in the Incarnation
Silent Saturday: Peter's Process
What Is Good About Good Friday, Anyway?
A letter to Those Who Love Eschatology: Finish the Great Commission
Trisomy Twenty-One: Richard Dawkins, Religious Prejudice and the Fashioning of God, and Capabilities of the Twenty-First Century with Down Syndrome.
Set Vision To Read God’s Word In 2017
Ephesians: Three-Foundational Motifs Essential For Understanding
Beautiful Are The Feet: When Redemption Beholds A Man, Redemption He Strives To Give Others.
The Role of Old Testament Prophet's, Prophecy, and Eschatological-Application to the Church.
The Historicity of Exodus: An Introductory Thought.
Overemphasizing Discipleship at the Expense of Evangelism
Sonship: The Nature of Grace and Obedience
Appropriating Son-ship into the family of God is only rightly realized when the mercy and love of God compel us to delightfully do His will, thus proving we are truly an active member in the family of God. Defining son-ship is only rightly defined in the proper marriage between grace and obedience to God, and of His word.
Once one peers past the illegitimate historical interpretations and attitudes frowned upon the book of Esther, one will engage less with the hard narrative topics, such as “Jewish revenge” (Esther 9:1-19), and delve into the overall point of the narrative, Yahweh’s unyielding protection of the Jew in exile.
Interpreting the Book of Esther Through the Broader Storyline of the Old Testament
The book of Esther portrays faithful Yahweh saving unfaithful Israelis, who are in exile under Persian rule for covenantal infidelity. God did not wait for Esther and her people to repent, He saved them...showing Himself powerful, and faithful to uphold His own initiated covenant. As will He do in the days to come-All Israel shall be saved.